New height, new starting point -- three Xin curtain wall won the Gangxia 375 meter tower
Near the end of the year, the three Xin curtain wall re created the new height of the company's domestic curtain wall, and recently won the bid for the curtain wall project of Gangxia 375 meter tower in Shenzhen central district.
This project is a huge complex project development Shenzhen jindida Bacera Real Estate Development Co. Ltd., which is located in Shenzhen in the axis of the East, the project consists of three Jin Tian Lu Road, Shennan Road, CaiTian road and Howard wai. Tower building 78, the curtain wall height of 375.5 meters, space curved surface unit curtain wall, curtain wall area of about 85000 square meters. It will become a new landmark and will have a profound impact on society and economy in the region.